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Workers' Compensation Restitution
If you have suffered a work place injury, we can assist you in recovering the full workers compensation benefits to which you are entitled. In addition to workers' compensation, you may be able to recover additional compensation from third-party defendants responsible for your injuries.
Learn more about your rights under Wisconsin's workers' compensation laws. For a
our Wisconsin workers’ compensation benefits attorneys at Schoone Leuck Kelley Pitts & Pitts SC.
Workers' Compensation Rights
Workers' compensation is designed to provide persons injured in the workplace with financial support in place of wages until the person can return to work. Your eligibility for these benefits is dependent on several factors. Our attorneys may be able to assist you in recovering:
- Payment for time off work
- Payment for permanent injuries
- Payment for medical expenses
- Loss of earning capacity
- Retraining benefits
- Unsafe work place benefits
Additional financial compensation may be recovered if your injury was the result of accidents such as:
- A car accident or truck accident. If your injuries were the result of a car or truck accident, caused by someone else, whether you were a driver, passenger or pedestrian
- Falls occurring at locations other than your workplace, including falls while making deliveries when you are on the job
- Dog or animal attacks including while making deliveries while you are on the job
Workers' Compensation - Lost Wages
If you are on temporary total disability, you are entitled to two-thirds of your average weekly wage. You may be able to pursue a personal injury claim that would allow you to recover for additional losses.
Lost wages are a very serious problem for victims of serious injury as well as families who suffer as a result of wrongful death. You are entitled to compensation for the time missed because of the inability to perform your job due to pain from your injury. You are also entitled to compensation for any sick days or vacations days used because of your injuries.
Our attorneys will explore every available avenue of recovery so that you and your family can move forward after an accident.
Retraining / Vocational Benefits
Sometimes an injured individual cannot return to his or her previous job. If you have been injured on the job, your employer is obligated to offer you employment if suitable employment becomes available. It is important to note that your employer does not have a legal obligation to hold your former position open, until you have been cleared to return to work.
If an injury places long-term or permanent limitations upon an individual, retraining for a new type of job may be necessary. As your legal representative, we will work to make sure you fully understand the process and what the law means to your particular situation.
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